
Automation and software for modern companies.
We provide complete solutions with high technological content.
Software, electronics, machines, videosurveillance: an all-round provider for all your technical needs.

Industrial Automation

SINTESIA S.R.L. builds complete systems for industrial automation at any level. Full plants, robots, machines for manufacturing and assembly, quality control vision systems and process controls, are our everyday tasks.


We build complete videosurveillance systems, installing high quality cameras from best producers. Cameras can be placed everywhere, even in remote positions. We also install radio links to transfer video data flow from cameras to the control room, that can be located tens chilometers away. We provide 24/7 continuous assistance, ensuring service continuity.

Our company is specialized in setting up systems for licence plate control and to detect uninsured, stolen or reported vehicles.

About us

SINTESIA S.R.L. works at highest technology levels providing complete solutions for industrial automation, software, electronics, videosurveillance and security systems, radio links for long-distance moving of datas and images.

Our customers are world-wide corporations, government and modern companies aiming to own the newest technologies.

Contact us

Info: info@sintesiaautomazione.it

Technical support: ufficio.tecnico@sintesiaautomazione.it

Administration: amministrazione@sintesiaautomazione.it

PEC: direzione@pec.sintesiaautomazione.it

Postmaster: postmaster@sintesiaautomazione.it